The City Components
Zewail City of Science and Technology is composed of three main components that are inter-linked, but each with a separate mission:
- The University of Science and Technology
- Research Institutes
- The Valley of Science and Technology

The University of Science and Technology
At the heart of the City, there is the University of Science and Technology, which is built around dissolving the boundaries between various disciplines. It adopts a model where the University offers interdisciplinary academic programs with no schools or departments. All academic programs have been designed to cope with the developing needs of the society and to meet the requirements of the fourth industrial revolution. The University offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in emerging areas of engineering, science, computational sciences, artificial intelligence, and business The University accepted the first cohort in Fall 2013, and classes have been graduating since Summer 2017.

Research Institutes
The University is strongly connected to research institutes, the second component of the City, where each academic program is mapped. Upon joining the University, as early as a bachelor’s degree, students are encouraged to get engaged with the various Research Institutes and to be involved in applied research. All our five Research Institutes are well-equipped with all the tools that support world-class research. This includes, but is not limited to, the four-dimensional microscope that enables visualization of the motion of atoms and molecules both in space and time. In addition, we have a state-of-the-art cleanroom facility that enables the fabrication of miniaturized devices, and advanced biomedical research labs that work on genomics, stem cells, and various cancer treatments.

The Valley of Science and Technology
The outcome of the research is transferred to the community through the Valley of Science and Technology, which represents the third component of the City. This part is responsible for intellectual property protection, identifying the needs of the community and guiding both the University and the Research Institutes to incubate spin-off companies, and transferring the know-how of the industry.